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Raleigh, NC Repetitive Movement Injury Attorneys

Johnston County Cumulative Trauma Injury Attorneys

Workers' Comp Lawyers in North Carolina for Work-Related Carpal Tunnel and Other Repeat Use Injuries

At the Vasquez Law Firm, PLLC, our compassionate lawyers advocate on behalf of those who have suffered injuries at work as they pursue benefits under the North Carolina workers' compensation system. We are well aware of the impact that a serious workplace injury or illness can have on not only your quality of life but also your ability to earn a living and provide for your loved ones.

Our attorneys also realize that the process for filing workers' compensation claims in North Carolina can be difficult, particularly if you are trying to deal with a stubborn employer or an uncooperative insurance company. Our lawyers have over 35 years of combined experience in the practice of the law, and we are committed to providing the representation you need as you seek the benefits to which you are entitled under the law.

Repetitive Motion Injury Lawyers in Smithfield

There are literally unlimited ways in which you could suffer an injury while doing your job. Work-related car accidents, lifting injuries, falls from heights, explosions, and equipment failure, among countless others, can all cause serious injury or death. However, not all work-related injuries are caused by a single traumatic incident or event. Many jobs require employees to perform the same physical task repeatedly—up to thousands of times per day, depending on the job. Repeated physical motion can place a tremendous amount of strain on the joints or body parts being used, and over time, such motion can start to cause serious damage.

Repetitive stress injuries may also be called repetitive trauma injuries, repetitive motion injuries, or cumulative trauma injuries. These kinds of injuries are somewhat unique because there is often nothing inherently dangerous about the task or action, as long as it only needs to be done occasionally. When the task must be repeated hundreds or thousands of times each workday, the overall impact on the human body can be significant.

Some of the most common cumulative trauma injuries in the workplace include, but are not limited to:

  • Hand and wrist injuries, such as carpal tunnel syndrome
  • Knee injuries
  • Shoulder and rotator cuff injuries
  • Tendonitis
  • Chronic back or neck pain
  • Herniated discs
  • Stress fractures

Workers' Compensation Benefits for Repetitive Stress Injuries

The attorneys at the Vasquez Law Firm, PLLC understand that many people who suffer from repetitive stress injuries often attribute their pain and discomfort to the reality that they are getting older and their body is breaking down. While there is no escaping the aging process, the damage caused by on-the-job repetitive motion could make you eligible for benefits through workers' compensation. Workers' comp benefits could even be available if the repetitive motion aggravated an injury you suffered previously.

Perhaps the most challenging aspect of obtaining workers' compensation benefits for a repetitive stress injury is the available window for reporting work-related injuries to your employer. Under North Carolina law, you are required to report any workplace injury to your employer within 30 days of sustaining the injury. Failure to do so could jeopardize your eligibility for benefits. When the injury in question is a repetitive stress injury, however, it is impossible to pinpoint a specific date on which you sustained the injury. The good news is that the law usually allows you to use the date that your injury was diagnosed, but you must still report the injury as soon as you can after the diagnosis.

At the Vasquez Law Firm, PLLC, we know that there are other challenges that you could encounter in getting the benefits you deserve for a repetitive stress injury. Your employer or its insurance company may dispute that your injury was work-related or challenge the extent of the damage caused by the repetitive stress. Our attorneys will not give in to uncooperative insurers, and we will not back down. We will continue working hard for you until you receive the benefits the law says you deserve.

Schedule a Free Consultation

To learn more about North Carolina workers' compensation benefits for repetitive stress injuries, contact our office. Call us at 1-844-YO-PELEO or 919-989-3000 to schedule your free consultation with a member of our team today. We represent injured workers in Raleigh, Charlotte, Smithfield, Mecklenburg County, Johnston County, Wake County, and the neighboring areas.

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