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How Can Drug Charges Impact Immigration Status?

 Posted on July 26,2024 in Immigration

Johnston County Immigration LawyerEvery year, thousands of people are deported from the United States because of drug charges. This policy can be harmful to families because it often separates people from their nuclear family, leaving children without a parent in many cases. These consequences can affect people whether they are undocumented immigrants or have a green card or visa. Unfortunately, federal immigration law is sometimes disproportionately strict compared with current state laws. This article will review how drug charges can lead to deportation. If this is an issue that might affect you personally, speak with a dedicated Johnston County, NC immigration lawyer to understand more.

What Happens When You Are Deported?

When someone who is not a citizen of the United States is convicted of drug charges, it almost immediately opens up the potential for deportation. This is true for misdemeanors as well as felony charges.

Drug convictions can also mean that someone might be refused to enter or reenter the United States. This would affect people who have a green card or visa, or who want to return after being away for a short period. They might be eligible for a waiver of inadmissibility of relief from legal proceedings based on several factors, including:

  • Rehabilitation

  • Family ties

  • Humanitarian reasons

Possible Defenses

When deportation is a potential consequence of a drug conviction, an effective defense becomes crucial. An experienced lawyer can determine whether it would be fitting to challenge whether any evidence against you was obtained legally; negotiate a plea bargain so you end up facing less severe charges that do not carry any deportation consequences; or pursue other options for sentencing that focus on rehabilitation more than punitive measures.

One of the most important things you can do for your case is make sure to hire an experienced lawyer who has fought similar cases with implications for criminal as well as immigration law. If you might face deportation, you will need an attorney who can offer personalized guidance as well as assistance in assessing potential immigration consequences and someone who can effectively advocate on your behalf in court.

Schedule a Free Consultation with a Johnston County, NC Immigration Lawyer

If you are concerned you might soon be facing drug charges, which could have serious consequences for your future in America, speak with a knowledgeable Smithfield, NC immigration attorney to gain a better understanding of what is at stake. Call [[title[[ at 1-844-YO-PELEO to schedule a free consultation.

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