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Why Would a Driver Offer a Verbal Settlement After Causing an Accident?

 Posted on February 15, 2022 in Personal Injury

Raleigh car crash lawyerAfter a car accident, you may be in a state of shock, especially when you or someone you care about has been injured. It can be hard to think clearly. When the driver who caused the crash whips out their wallet and approaches you with an offer, it may be tempting to take it for a number of reasons. It seems easy. You have their plate number. You do not want to deal with an insurance company or a court if you do not have to. However, before you take any kind of “handshake deal” on the side of the road, you may want to know why some drivers may do this—and why taking such a deal is almost never a good idea. Your best bet is to refuse, file a police report, and call a lawyer. 

Reasons At-Fault Drivers Might Have for Offering a Verbal Settlement

A driver who has caused an accident would not make an offer on the side of the road if he did not think it would ultimately benefit him in some way. Often, these drivers are trying to hide something or escape complete liability in some fashion. 

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5 Things You Need to Know About Domestic Violence Charges in Wake County

 Posted on February 08, 2022 in Criminal Defense

Wake County domestic violence charges attorneyThere is often much more than meets the eye in domestic violence cases. The classic narrative of an abusive man hitting his wife or girlfriend and going to jail for it simply does not reflect the reality in most contemporary domestic violence cases. Domestic violence most frequently occurs in the home, away from the prying eyes of potential neutral witnesses. Police often arrive to find a chaotic scene and very upset individuals. In the absence of obvious injuries, it can be quite difficult to figure out exactly what happened and who is primarily responsible for any violence that may or may not have occurred. If you are facing domestic violence charges, there are a few facts and considerations surrounding this charge that you should be aware of. 

What Should I Consider if I Have Been Accused of Domestic Violence?

Whether you are guilty or not, being charged with domestic violence has the potential to be a life-altering offense. Due to the not-always-accurate assumptions surrounding these cases, your career or educational opportunities could be affected. If you are up against this charge, you should be aware of these concerns: 

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If I Am Innocent, Why Do I Need a Lawyer?

 Posted on January 31, 2022 in Criminal Defense

shutterstock_608376650.jpgIt is reasonable to assume that you do not need to hire an attorney if you are not guilty of a crime. However, if you are suspected of engaging in criminal activity or you have been charged with a crime, it is important that you hire an attorney regardless of your innocence.  If you are required to appear in court, it is possible to represent yourself, should you wish to do so. Even though you have every right to self-represent, it is not advised that people facing criminal charges do so.  There are many reasons to hire a lawyer, even if you are not guilty of the charges you are facing. 

Charges Do Not Indicate Guilt 

Being charged with a crime does not mean you are guilty of the crime. It simply means you are suspected of the crime. 

The presumption of innocence is an integral part of the U.S. legal system. Even though innocent people often face criminal charges, they still need to defend themselves against the charges they are facing. 

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What is the Statute of Limitations for Personal Injury Claims in North Carolina? 

 Posted on January 15, 2022 in Personal Injury

shutterstock_1168999522.jpgIf you have been the victim of a car accident or other injury-causing incident in North Carolina, you might be wondering what your options are. Often, injured victims are able to receive compensation for the bodily harm and physical damages they experienced. However, as with many legal cases, there is a statute of limitations in place for personal injury claims in North Carolina. But what is it? And how can you go about filing a personal injury claim in North Carolina? We are here to answer these questions for you today. 

What is a Statute of Limitations? 

For starters, it is helpful to know what a statute of limitations is in the first place. In the world of law, a statute of limitations refers to a period of time in which a certain type of legal action must be made in order for a victim to pursue compensation or justice. You can think of it as a time limit. 

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Injured in a Drunk Driving Crash in North Carolina? You May Be Entitled to Compensation

 Posted on December 23, 2021 in Personal Injury

north carolina personal injury lawyerSuffering serious injuries in a car crash is always a traumatic experience, but it is even more heart-wrenching if the accident was caused by drunk driving.

Thankfully, North Carolina law allowed people injured by drunk drivers to file a personal injury claim and pursue compensation. A successful claim may result in significant compensation, known as damages, that addresses the victim’s financial losses.

Compensation Available to Drunk Driving Victims

The injured party may be entitled to damages that compensate them for injuries they incurred as a direct result of the defendant’s wrongdoing. Damages are intended to make the victim “whole again.” 

Monetary Damages - Monetary damages address the injured person’s financial losses, such as medical bills and lost wages. These claims are easily quantifiable and can be proven with documents such as medical bills, receipts, and pay stubs.

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What Is a Crime of Moral Turpitude?

 Posted on November 24, 2021 in Immigration

shutterstock_1072282619-1-min.jpgA criminal conviction can have tremendous immigration consequences. However, these consequences are largely determined by the nature of the crime, and whether the offense can be classified as a crime of moral turpitude.

From the perspective of the U.S. Government, crimes of moral turpitude raise serious questions about the convicted person’s personal character and their desirability as foreign residents. Thus, a conviction often has serious implications for an immigrant’s ability to remain in the country or obtain a more permanent status.

When Is an Offense Considered a Crime of Moral Turpitude?

There is no statute delineating what is or is not a crime of moral turpitude. Defining the term has often been left up to the courts, which have historically considered the defendant’s intent and the recklessness of their behavior in their determination.

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Is a DWI Conviction Grounds for Deportation?

 Posted on November 08, 2021 in Immigration

north carolina immigration lawyerA conviction for driving while impaired (DWI) has serious consequences, no matter the circumstances. However, the ramifications are even greater when you are an undocumented immigrant or hold only a green card.

After a DWI conviction, a citizen might have questions about their financial situation if they face fines or their driving privileges if they face a license suspension. An immigrant, on the other hand, might have concerns about their ability to even remain in the country.

The uncertainty of the situation is magnified by the enigmatic complexity of the U.S. immigration system. Immigration law is filled with antiquated terminology and is notoriously fickle.

Although the situation is scary, a DWI conviction is not necessarily grounds for deportation. An experienced immigration attorney can make sense of your situation and help you navigate the immigration system to obtain a result that benefits you and your loved ones.

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Can Immigrants Still Qualify for the DACA Program in 2021 and Beyond?

 Posted on October 26, 2021 in Immigration

NC immigration lawyerSince 2012, the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, which is commonly known as DACA, has allowed immigrants who came to the United States as children to remain in the country. However, these immigrants were dealt a major blow recently when a judge in Texas ruled that the DACA program is illegal. Immigrants will need to be sure to understand what this ruling means for them and whether they have options for avoiding deportation.

Effects of the Ruling

The DACA program was put in place by President Barack Obama in 2012, and it applied to immigrants who entered the United States before reaching the age of 16, have lived in the U.S. since 2007, and do not have a lawful immigration status. Those who met the requirements of the program could receive a deferral of any deportation actions for two years, and they would have authorization to work during this time. A person could also apply for renewals and receive additional two-year extensions to their deferral period.

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What Is the Difference Between Murder and Manslaughter in North Carolina?

 Posted on October 15, 2021 in Criminal Defense

NC defense lawyerWhile all criminal charges should be taken seriously, there are some types of offenses that are likely to result in severe penalties, including a long prison sentence, life in prison, or even the death penalty. Because violent crimes involve significant harm to an alleged victim and their loved ones, they are taken especially seriously by law enforcement. Murder and manslaughter can lead to particularly serious penalties, and those who have been accused of these crimes will want to understand the nature of the charges and their options for defense.

Murder and Manslaughter Charges Under North Carolina Law

An offense is generally considered to be murder if a person has wrongfully caused the death of someone else. The specific offense a person may be charged with will depend on the circumstances of the case. The laws in North Carolina define murder-related offenses as follows:

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Common Work-Related Injuries in the Agricultural Industry

 Posted on September 16, 2021 in Personal Injury

NC injury lawyerAgriculture is the largest industry in North Carolina, employing more than 100,000 workers throughout the state each year. However, it is also one of the most dangerous industries for work-related injuries due to the physical labor involved and the presence of occupational hazards. Farmworkers who are injured on the job may be able to obtain relief through workers’ compensation benefits, or by filing a personal injury claim against the at-fault party.

Injury Risks for Farm Workers

Agricultural workers may be at risk of on-the-job injuries due to all of the following causes:

  • Overexertion and repetitive stress - Farm labor often requires heavy lifting, bending, stooping, and repetitive motions over long periods of time. Workers may suffer injuries of the bones, muscles, tissues, and joints, whether due to one-time overexertion or ongoing stress.

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